Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Mock-up Film Poster

Magazine 4th Draft

This is the 4th draft of the magazine front cover. I have uploaded it to facebook, where my friends can leave me some feedback, which should help improve it and create a finalized piece. 

Martine Toften said: " I would maybe move the photo of the main actor down just a little bit, and also enlarge the date and issue number" 
This is true about the date and issue number, it does seem a bit too small too read, but the main photo is fine the way it is. I wanted it to overlap with the masthead.
Billie Stacy said: I really like the layout, especially how the bottom of the page shows snippets of the film trailer.. Also, I think that the trees in the background set a dark atmosphere, which can relate to many films of this genre"
This is true, the main goal i was trying to achieve with the trees in the background was to create a spooky atmosphere to support the genre of the movie.
Clive said : " You seem to have covered all of the magazine conventions."
Rhys Hall Said: maybe bring the text above the title down a tad and make each subheading the same colour red/orange? it's really good though. "

Magazine Third Draft

This is my 3rd draft of the magazine front cover. As you can see, this one is much better the others. I used feedback from my teacher in order to improve the layout of the front cover. I used a photo of a film strip at the bottom of the page. Using photoshop i cut out the empty frames and put in screenshots from the film trailer I made with my group.
I used a gradient tool to fade the bottom part of the masthead with the background image. I also changed the colour of the images in the film strip at the bottom to make it look like an actual film strip